Where to Place Testimonials and Statistics on Your Website
It’s no secret: Potential customers trust businesses more if they hear about them from others who speak highly of their products or services. The same

Pay Transparency is Increasing: Why You Can’t Wait
Salaries have long been treated as a taboo subject in the workplace. But the reality is, employees talk – and the odds are they already

Small Businesses CAN Compete With Big Staffing Tech – Here’s How!
In September, I attended the semi-annual TempNet conference in Denver; and was a member of the All Things Marketing panel. It was an awesome in-person

Does Your Career Site Match Your Business Goals?
Your career website is among your best tools to develop and nurture your employer brand and, in doing so, help reach and exceed your business

Did You Catch Our Smart Ideas Summit 2?
On September 8, Haley Marketing held the Smart Ideas Summit 2 – a fantastic all-day webinar with 20-minute presentations from top thought leaders throughout the

Indeed Eliminated Expansions – How Can You Respond?
In July 2022, Indeed enacted its One2One Policy. The policy eliminated the usage of title expansions and geographic expansions. The reason? Indeed said it was