Things are changing very quickly in the recruitment marketing world. Whatever industry or geography you’re in, job advertising is something we all rely on and count on, which is why it’s so crucial to stay on top of trends and the ever-changing space.
Chances are, you’ve probably heard about the recent and upcoming changes on Indeed. Pay-per-application-start and a new minimum campaign floor: $25 per job. We’re here to help break down what these changes mean, and what you may need to adjust in your strategy.
Let’s start with the bidding model transition; from paying per click vs. paying per application start. I know that sounds pretty daunting, but that’s all it is! Instead of being charged for every time a job seeker clicks on one of your job posts, you are actually instead only charged when the job seeker actually starts to fill out an application.
If you have a good handle on your job advertising efforts, this change most likely won’t affect your strategy and tactics on Indeed. If you are newer to job advertising, you may want to calculate your own cost-per-click (total spend divided by the amount of clicks) at first so it is easy to consume your results. This will make the transition a little easier for you and can help you evaluate performance.
If you are manually, or directly posting jobs to Indeed, you will have the option to reject candidates inside the Indeed dashboard. Rejected applications aren’t charged towards your budget, but make sure you are complying with Indeed’s timeline, applications can only be rejected 72 hours after submission (and weekends count too!)
The second major change coming from Indeed: a new minimum campaign budget floor. For Objective-Based Campaigns on Indeed, campaigns are required to have a minimum budget of $25 per job.
Now what exactly does that mean?
It’s actually simpler than you may think! If you’re running a campaign on Indeed with 10 jobs in it, then your required minimum budget on Indeed will need to be $250.
If you’re running a campaign on Indeed with 20 jobs in it, then the required minimum budget will need to be $500.
From what our team understands from Indeed, you may switch in and out jobs as much as you’d like throughout the month, as long as that job count to budget ratio is compliant.
If in the middle of the month, you want to increase your sponsored job count by 5 (from 10 jobs to 15 jobs), then you should be prepared and aware that you may have to increase your budget by $125 (5 jobs x $25/job).
This requirement isn’t forcing individual jobs to spend at least $25; it is more of a guideline to help ensure employers have enough funds for the amount of jobs they’re sponsoring for quality results.
Tip/Trick of the Month:
How to Leverage A/B Testing with Your Job Ads:
A/B testing can be a huge tool to get an advantage over your competitors and your market. In the job advertising world, where data is plentiful, A/B testing can be a great tactic to add to your strategy to figure out what works well, what’s just ok, and what really isn’t effective in today’s space.
So, what do we mean by A/B testing? Well, the concept comes from running two different posts as “tests”, and in our case job advertisements. Let’s say you want to test to see if a higher salary for a position leads to more/better candidates. Well, what you can do is post the same job twice. In one post, have the lower salary, and in the other one, include the higher salary.
Then you wait and collect data to see if there are any or what differences that one variable made.
It’s important to ensure all other variables of the posts are the same or similar, changing too many aspects from your “A” post compared to your “B” post could lead to assumptions and correlations that aren’t necessarily true!
A/B testing can be used in a variety of ways. You can change and test certain salary rates, titles, locations, and even job descriptions!
Data is one of our best friends in job advertising. Conducting A/B testing doesn’t only give you more data, but it gives you data that you can then take and make actionable takeaways from!
Are you ready to learn more about how Haley Marketing and the recruitment marketing team can help drive improved results from your job advertising budget? Contact our team today to learn more and set up a free recruitment marketing consulting call!