3 Different Ways to Organize Your Job Advertising


3 Different Ways to Organize Your Job Advertising

Job advertising is one of your company’s four pillars of successful recruitment marketing – along with your career site, social recruiting, and employment branding. Competition is fierce, and it all boils down to getting your open positions filled with the right people, quickly and efficiently, so you can optimize your profits.

As you organize your job ads heading into the new year, you can put jobs into different buckets, aka campaigns. As you do so, custom tailor your content, approach and search strategy to each bucket. You might organize ads:

  1. By priority: If a business critical role that needs to be filled yesterday comes open, it goes without saying that it moves to the top of your planning list. For this – and whatever approach you use – create compelling ads that include key qualifications, provide enticing summaries of the responsibilities and opportunities involved, and promote your organization and its mission. Last but not least, give clear, easy instructions on how to apply.
  2. By industry: Tell your desired candidates what they want to know about working in your industry. Present an overview of your open position, and tell what differentiates it from other jobs of its sort in the same sector.
  3. By geography: Candidates often search jobs by location, as they determine commute times or debate possible moves to accommodate a new career opportunity.

More Tips

Regardless of how you organize your job ads, it’s important to:

  • Use search friendly content. Consider the queries candidates will be using when job searching online, and tailor your content accordingly. Use the right balance of keywords to achieve your desired results.
  • Keep it easy to read. This means short and sweet. For instance, include enough information so your ad is attractive and thorough, but avoid focusing on tasks that are not essential functions of the role. And avoid tedious laundry lists of duties!
  • Share your culture. Include key attributes of your workplace environment so candidates gain accurate insight into what working for you is all about. List personality traits common among your most successful team members.
  • Make it more interesting with visuals. Ads with eye-catching images and videos can make all the difference. Text alone just doesn’t cut it any more.

In a nutshell: Write your job ads with your target candidates firmly in mind. This is the simple, yet profoundly critical, secret to effective communication.

  • Know your audience. When the right job seeker clicks on your posting, you’re a giant step closer to converting them into an applicant. But unless you provide the right information and compel them to take things to the next step, they may just hit the “back” button or, worse yet, exit your site entirely.

Let’s Not Let That Happen!

For additional insight and guidance on nailing your job advertising and other aspects of your 2002 recruitment strategy, reach out to the Haley Marketing Recruitment Marketing team today. Let’s schedule a free 30-minute focus call to get you started on the success track.


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