How the Four Pillars Answer the Three Biggest Questions When Selling Your Job Openings


How the Four Pillars Answer the Three Biggest Questions When Selling Your Job Openings

At Haley Marketing, we define the four pillars of recruitment marketing as career sites, job advertising, social recruiting, and employer branding. Each of the pillars can stand alone but also interact with any or all of the other pillars.

When candidates consider your open positions, there are three questions they want answered:

  • Why the Staffing Industry?
  • Why Your Staffing Company?
  • Why This Job?

We’re going to dig into each of those three questions by looking at the four pillars of recruitment marketing. Each pillar provides unique ways to answer the three biggest questions candidates have about your job openings.

Why the Staffing Industry?

If we’re going to increase the amount of candidates considering your open jobs, the first place we need to start is answering the question about working in the staffing industry. Not only do we need to answer that question for candidates who are on the fence about working in the industry, but we also need to continue to convince workers in the industry they should keep working for a staffing agency.

  • Career Sites: Create content around the benefits of the staffing industry, whether it’s a blog post, video, or infographic, such as “Five Benefits Job Seekers Get for Working with a Staffing Agency”
  • Job Advertising: Explain that it costs no money for a candidate to work with a recruiter. A surprising amount of people don’t know that.
  • Social Recruiting: Share that content from your career to your social media pages.
  • Employment Branding: Why does your company enjoy working in the staffing industry? Have that theme present throughout your career site.

Why Your Staffing Agency?

Once a candidate knows they want to work in the staffing industry, they will have several options for staffing agencies. Locally, your competition is down the street or across town. In this new world of remote work, your competition might be across the entire country.

  • Employment Branding: Focus on your Employer Value Proposition (EVP). What does a candidate get from working for your staffing agency? What benefits do you provide – the traditional standard benefits but also in their career growth. If your company doesn’t have an EVP, focus on your mission and values to develop one.
  • Career Sites: Showcase that EVP throughout your career site. Create a page that literally says, “Why ABC Staffing?”
  • Job Advertising: Put the benefits of your EVP in the actual job posting. Answer the questions that a candidate has when they are searching the job boards and have to determine if they want to apply for your open job or your competitors’ open positions.
  • Social Recruiting: Showcase the employees who have seen a difference in their careers due to your staffing agency. Post a video highlighting the differences you’ve made for them in their career and personal lives.

Why This Job?

Now that we have convinced the candidate to work in the industry and work for your company, it comes down their last question of which job is right for them. To answer this question, everything revolves around WIIFM – what’s in it for me (the job candidate, not anyone else!)

  • Job Advertising: Start with the job title your candidate searches for. Then, display the salary. Open the job posting with one to two sentences of what’s unique about that job.
  • Career Sites: Make it easy to find your job postings on your career site. Ensure it’s simple to engage with the posting on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Social Recruiting: Beyond just posting the job, post a 30-second interview from the recruiter where they mention why this job is unique.
  • Employment Branding: Your EVP comes through with each job posting. What does the candidate get out of this job? How do you help them throughout the process?

Candidates want the answer to those three questions when searching for their next position. Staffing agencies need to share that information throughout the four pillars of recruitment marketing to ensure consistent answers and being able to answer their candidates’ questions wherever they’re spending time.

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